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25/05 23:51:10

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. Mrs Harrison is
he owns many palaces.
A. so a rich man that
C. such a rich man that
B. such an rich man that
D. that so rich a man.
2. The woman was so beautiful
3. It is
A. that I couldn't help looking at
C. for me looking at her
that I would like to go to the beach.
A. such a nice weather
C. such nice weather
4. These are
5. It is
that I can't finish them.
A. a such long assignments
C. such a long assignments
that I have read it twice.
A. such an interesting book
C. too interesting a book
6. She dances
everybody adores her.
A. such beautifully that
C. so beautiful that
B. that I couldn't help looking at her
D. that for me to look at.
B. too nice weather
D. such weather nice.
B. such long assignments
D. too long assignments.
B. so an interesting book.
D. A and B.
B. so beautifully that
D. too beautifully that
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