nguyễn nhthao | Chat Online
27/05 14:07:01

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first

The internet is a very
means of communication. (USE) Used
Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
Question 5: Huong has to do a lot of homework, so she doesn't go camping with us.
— Because Huong
Question 6: People play football all over the world.
→ Football is
Question 7: Mr. Nam said, "I visit Nha Trang every summer."
→ Mr. Nam said he
Question 8: Bring a raincoat, or you will get wet.
→ You will get wet if you
Part 3: Make meaningful sentences using the words given.
Question 9: She usually/ drink/ milk for breakfast. -
Question 10: Mrs. Loan/live/ this city/ for two years.→
Question 11: Last night, he/ be/ very busy/, but he/help/his younger sister/ her homework.
uestion 12: The young man/ borrow/ my motorcycle/ yesterday/work/this factory since 2020.
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