vũ ng uyên nhi | Chat Online
27/05 23:08:51

Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

Hộ em vs gấp lắm rồi ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
for an exten
5. It is necessary to learn English.
=> Learning....
6. "How many peopleare there?", asked the journalist.
=>The journalist asked me...
7. It was such rotten meat that it had to be thrown away.
=> The meat was.......
8. It is easy to ride a bike.
=> Riding
9. You can't visit the USA unless you have a visa.
=> If you...
10. "Can I borrow your typewriter,Janet"? asked Peter.
=> Peter asked Janet if...
11. She started working as a secretary five years ago.
=> She has....
12. She knows a lot more about it than I do.
=> I don't know...
13. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.
=> My French friend isn't...
14. They water the flowers in the garden everyday.
=> The flowers.......
15. We don't go on holiday because we do not have enough money.
=> If we.....t
16. The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was rough.
=> The sea was too....
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