vũ ng uyên nhi | Chat Online
28/05 10:48:50

Viết lại câu

Hộ em với ạ chiều anh học rồi
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
B1: Viết lại câu
1." Can you play the piano,Lan?" He asked
He asked....
2.Let's use the banana leaves to wrap food instead of plastic bags
He suggests..
3.I started learning English 3 years ago
I have.....
4.I haven't seen that man before
5. She hasn't visited her former school for five years
The last time..
6. I last met her in 2001
I haven't....
7. I have worked for this company for two years
8. Learning English is necessary today.
9. It's very interesting to spend the weekend to the countryside
10. We spent 5 hours getting to London.
11. He spent two hours writing the letter
12.It took us 30minutes to do homework
13. Although the weather was very bad, We had a picnic.
In spite of
14. She stayed at home because she was sick
Because of..
15. He would rather watch TV than go to the cinema
He prefers......
16.Lan's sister doesn't sing as beautifully as she does
Lan sings.....
B2: Viết lại câu
1. They had bad marks because they were lazy.
They were
2. "Don't go to bed too late". My mother said to me.
My mother asked
3. I'm sorry I won't be home tomorrow.
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