vũ ng uyên nhi | Chat Online
28/05 10:51:38

Viết lại câu

Hộ em vs ạ chiều em học rồi
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
4. They enjoy walking in the rain.
They are,
5. She started teaching in that school in 1973..
She has
6. Everyone will see that film soon.
7. He has just built a new building.
8. The boys said "We have to try our best to win the match"
The boys said that........
9. "How many members are there in your family?" She asked Lan
10. He often got up early in the morning
He used
11. The boy is from China. He sits next to me. (who)
12. The street is very wide. The street leads to my school. (which)
13. He is very rich. He never helps the poor. (although)
14. "Do you enjoy reading books?" Phong asked Peter.
15. "Are there any oranges in the fridge?" she asked me.
16. It's bad for our health to smoke cigarettes.
17. The police will catch all the prisoners again by tonight.
→All the prisoners............
18. His parents won't buy him a new game...
19. Everyone warned you,
20. Somebody borrowed his car yesterday...
1.B1: Chép từ công thức 21 đến 40 ( 2 lần/1 công thức)
2.B2: Học thuộc lý thuyết cách viết đoạn văn( 3 dạng).
1. This is the first time she has eaten eel soup.
She has not...
2. She began to write 30 minutes ago.
=She has....
3. They started studying English when they were in grade 3.
They have......
4. I last saw him 3 weeks ago.
I haven't......
5. The last time I watched this movie was 6 months ago.
-I haven't........
6. It is a long time since she last saw her parents
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