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28/05 19:45:11

Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Past simple or Past perfect).
she (send)
She already (post)
to the wrong address.
the letter when she (realize)
Hardly the car (go)
The weather (be).
a mile when it (have)
a flat tyre.
far worse than we (expect)
for five years when they finally (have).
They (be married)
a child.
No sooner they (sell)
their car than they (regret)
having done so.
When she (finish)
her work, she (go)
to the cinema.
He (not eat)
until his parents (come)
She (tell)
me she never (meet)
He (do)
his homework before he (go)
The lights (go)
out the moment he (get)
into the cinema.
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