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29/05 21:22:00

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
SO 3
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. temple
2. A. exciting
3. A. apply
4. A. that
5. A. engineer
B. engine
B. interesting
B. around
B. than
B. greeting
C. excite
C. expensive
D. elbow
D. bridge
C. above
D. late
C. with
D. thin
C. teeth
D. street
II/ Circle the words which has different stress pattern in each line.
6. A. toothpaste
7. A. museum
8. A. fourteen
9. A. telephone
10. A. carton
B. language
B. pagoda
B. packet
B. apartment
B. sausage
C. police
C. banana
C. twenty
C. countryside
C. cartoon
III/Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
11. Mr. Brown usually (do)
12. Ann (love).
morning exercise regulary.
English very much and she can (13.speak)
in the room.
14. Listen! Someone (sing).
15. She(go)
16. My family (visit)
to Ha Long Bay last weekend.
my grandparents next month.
IV/Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
17. My father listens
A. in
18. Your sister likes singing,
A. does she
music in the evening.
D. classroom
D. motorbike
D. peacock
D. basketball
D. bottle
_ it very well.
B. on
C. to
D. at
B. doesn't she
C. don't she
D. isn't she
a nurse?
19. Would you like to be a doctor
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