Bích Giang | Chat Online
30/05 13:22:51

Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in capitals

Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in capitals
1. Make sure you don't forget any of your _____ when you leave. (belong)
2. Learning to ride a bike is _____ about balance. (essential)
3. The city attracts many _____ because of its cultural diversity. (foreign)
4. The company operates _____, with offices in many countries. (international)
5. I'm feeling _____ about what to order from the menu. (decide)
6. It's _____ to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. (importance)
7. Please pay _____ to the safety instructions before starting the experiment. (attend)
8. Can you _____ what you meant by that statement? (clear)
9. Climbing a mountain can be a _____ but rewarding experience. (challenge) 
10. I tend to be _____, so I always set reminders on my phone. (forget)
11. The recent renovations have brought significant _____ to the building. (improve)
12. It's easy to _____ someone's intentions without clear communication. (understand)
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