Gia Đức Anh | Chat Online
30/05 13:48:35

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

Most people enjoy listening to music but few realise the important and largely positive effects it can have on us. We know that certain (1) _______ of music are used to influence our emotions and our behaviour. For example, airlines use soothing music before a flight to (2) _______ passengers, especially those who may feel nervous about flying. You may have noticed how shops often play fast, rousing music (if you haven’t noticed, you probably shop at the more old-fashioned type of store) - this tends to make us feel (3) _______ and more likely to spend money!

Music is also being used now as a psychiatric therapy. It seems to be particularly (4) _______ for eating disorders and addictions, but also for sufferers of post-traumatic stress syndrome. People attending group therapy sessions are invited to bring along their favourite tracks. Not everyone does, but those (5) _______ do so play them for the group. This creates a sense of belonging, as well as a more relaxed atmosphere for the therapy session.

1.         A. forms          B. types           C. brands         D. manners

2.         A. relax           B. speed up     C. cheer up      D. irritate

3.         A. more confident       B. less negative           C. happier        D. funnier

4.         A. practical      B. convenient  C. caring          D. useful

5.         A. who B. whom         C. which          D. what

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