Gia Đức Anh | Chat Online
30/05 13:48:20

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

Nowadays more and more people are moving to live in the cities because of the facilities that they find there. Many people prefer living in cities (1) _______ the opportunities of jobs, market places, big houses and buildings including schools and hospitals. But as the population in the city increases, the (2) _______ of cars, raw materials and others increases too. All this contributes to the pollution of the city and increases the size of the (3) _______ faced by individuals. Our problems in the city contribute to the destruction of the city and the spread of corruption. Also, these problems are (4) _______ an atmosphere of discomfort and the inability of the individual to adapt and live in peace in his home town. However, there are many solutions (5) _______ can be used and applied to contribute to reducing the number of problems, such as increasing the number of police members, providing employment opportunities and spreading awareness among members of the society.

1.         A. because of  B. because       C. in spite of   D. with

2.         A. selling         B. buying        C. consumption           D. conservation

3.         A. harms          B. problems     C. troubles       D. damages

4.         A. making       B. producing   C. generating   D. creating

5.         A. that B. what           C. this  D. whether

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