nguyễn nhthao | Chat Online
31/05 07:59:02

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. (1.0 pt)
stion 5: Hoa worked hard, so she easily passed her high school entrance exam last year.
estion 6: In my village, people often grow rice for a living.
n my village, rice
estion 7: "I have to study harder for my exam." Nam said.
Nam said that
uestion 8: The river is polluted because we throw trash into it.
If we didn't throw trash into the river,
art 3. Write complete sentences using the words given. (1.0 pt)
Question 9: My parents/use/work/the farm / 10 years ago.
Question 10: We should/reuse/bottles/cans / save natural resources.
tion 11: Family members / live apart try / be together/Tet.
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