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31/05 08:17:55

Mark the letter A, B, C. or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions

Mark the letter A, B, C. or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of
the following questions.
A. PHẦN TRÁC NGHIỆM (7,0 điểm; gồm 35 câu, từ câu 1 đến câu 35) (0.2 pts)
Question 1: Which one has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A. covered
B. preserved
D. impressed
Question 2: Which one has the main stress different from the others?
A. comprise
B. finish
C. enjoyed
C. persuade
D. reduce
Question 3: Which one has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A. invite
B. visit
C. arrive
D. describe
Question 4: Which one has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A. wears
B. builds
Question 5: Wearing uniforms
A. encourages
Question 6: Fashion
A. engineers
B. does
C. stops
D. grows
students to be proud of their school.
C. practices
D. introduces
have made different styles of the ao dai over the past decades.
C. designers
B. musicians
Question 7: The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay was
B. popular
D. tourists
with people from my father's generation.
C. interesting
D. convenient
A. different
Question 8: Nowadays, it is easy for people in the countryside to
B. last
C. find
A. shout
Question 9: Social networking enables us to communicate
A. with
B. at
D. get
access to the Internet.
people all around the world.
D. from
Question 10: Jack wants to be a stamp collector because he enjoys
B. collected
C. in
C. collecting
D. to collect
A. collect
Question 11: Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest.
- Lan: "Congratulate you on winning the first prize, Trang."
- Trang:
A. Thanks a lot B. Great idea
Question 12: The internet is one of the
A. of
B. over
C. Don't mention it D. That's right. I am
most wonderful forms
C. by
Question 13: Young people in the country have left their homes to
B. look for
A. look after
Question 14: Mr. Nam forgot to
B. give out
C. turn off
media in modern life.
D. through
a better life in the city.
D. turn back
D. turn off
to the beach.
the lights when he left for work.
C. give up
Question 15: It was such a nice day that we decided
A. turn on
A. going
A. over
B. go
C. to go
Question 16: Lan usually walked past the mosque
B. on
C. about
D. to going
her way to primary school.
D. above
Question 17: We went to the picnic site, put down the blanket,
B. but
Question 18: Mrs. Ha is worried
A. or
A about
B. to
Question 19: Na is tired.
C. so
laid out everything on
D. and
her most recent electricity bill as it's enormous.
C. for
D. of
she has to complete her homework before going to bed.
C. Therefore
D. Because
B. However
A. Although
Question 20: The teacher
A. which
B. whom
B. won't she
you met yesterday is my English teacher at school.
C. whose
D. where
uestion 21: Thuy's grandma watches the weather forecast on television every day,
A. didn't she
estion 22: My father asked me whether I
C. isn't she
D. doesn't she
a lot of homework in English.
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