giang ng | Chat Online
31/05 18:18:01

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

bt kaf hơi khó nhìn nma mn giúp mk v nhed,7h30 mk học r
cảm ơn ạ????????
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Mary is so young that she can't make up her own mind that matters. (enough)
2. Although Bill's hand-embroidered picture was expensive, we bought it.
3. Some teachers will hold classes in places like parks or supermarkets. Classes
4. Peter used to go to school late. (no longer)
In spite of
I'm looking
If I
5. The last time he wrote to his parents was 2 weeks ago. He hasn't
6. I'm really excited about the upcoming pottery workshop.
7. I think you should read English papers to improve your reading skill.
8. Parents must teach their children what to do about rubbish. Children
9. Peter doesn't see a fly in his soup, so he doesn't tell the manager.
10. Maria asked Tom, "Shall we have a test next week?"
Maria asked
If Peter
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