Hong Thanh | Chat Online
01/06 20:00:55

Read the blog post. Complete the sentences. For each blank, use one word

Read the blog post. Complete the sentences. For each blank, use one word

Travelling is great fun, but it can also hurt the environment. So how can we stay green while travelling? Try staying at an eco-friendly hotel!

The first thing to do is to look for a carbon-neutral hotel. These are hotels that try to use less energy. They also use a lot of recycled materials and sell locally grown food. Some ban cars, and a few allow guests to buy carbon credits – guests pay a tax for any extra carbon they use. This money is used for clean energy or tree-planting projects.

Next, check the hotel’s menu. Many hotels offer locally grown, organic food, and some even grow their own food in their gardens. Also, find out what the hotel does with the food that no one eats. In the United States, people and businesses throw away about 40 percent of the food they buy. Ask hotels what they do with food that’s left over or that goes bad.

Finally, find out if the hotel uses a lot of plastic. Stay away from hotels that don’t have rules against using single-use plastic items like straws, plastic bags, shampoo bottles, and water bottles, and look for ones that try to use as few of these plastic items as possible.

1. In some carbon-................. hotels,  ...................are not allowed.

2. A carbon................. is a ...................... you pay for the extra carbon you use.

3. Try staying at hotels with .......................... grown..............................food.

4. Find out what hotels do with ..................... that’s left over or that goes ............................

5. Stay at hotels that have ..............................against using  .......................... plastic items like straws.




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