ha ha | Chat Online
02/06 19:38:32

Choose the best answers

6. Could I have rice
A. but
7. The lecture was
A. as
8. He likes travel, and
A. too
9. The temperature drops
A. furthermore
potatoes, please?
interesting and instructive.
B. but also
C. instead
D. instead of
B. either
C. neither
D. both
does she.
B. such
C. so
D. but
the sun sets.
B. for example
C. or
D. when
10. Some birds cannot fly well.
to be useful.
A. For example
A. neither
B. Like
the chicken has wings, but its flying muscles are not strong em
C. Such as
11. Blindfish, which spend their whole lives in caves, have
B. either
C. both
their small size, the cameras take good pictures.
A. In spite of
13. Flying is not only faster
A. also
14. She closed the door
A. and
D. As
eyes nor body pigments.
D. not only
B. Despite of
B. so
C. Because
safer than traveling by car.
C. and
left for the city.
D. And
D. but also
B. but
C. or
D. therefore
C. or
D. and
15. The mail comes at ten o'clock every day
A. except
II. Choose the best answers.
B. although
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