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06/06 19:22:47

Chọn đáp án đúng

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
The escaping prisoner camped in
woods but he didn't light
fire because
smoke rising from the woods might attract
A. the/a/-/-
B. a/the/the/-
C. the/a/-/the
D. a/a/-/-
Question 30 (Question ID: 1-44642)
It's hard to
A. make ends meet
B. make a fuss
on less than a million a month.
C. make up your mind
D. make a mess
Question 31 (Question ID: 1-18970)
Language is so
life without it.
A. tightly
B. tautly
C. rigidly
D. stiffly
woven into human experience that it is scarcely possible to imagine
Question 32 (Question ID: 1-36010)
I have to give a talk about history so I spent the weekend reading
on the Second World
А. цр
B. over
C. into
D. out
Question 33 (Question ID:1-36805)
Julie was so engrossed,
A. with
B. to
C. on
D. in
the book that she didn't hear her sister come in.
Question 34 (Question ID: 1-44929)
Many species of wildlife are
A. at risk
B. on the verge
C. on the side
D. in dangers
Question 35 (Question ID:1-36796)
of extinction.
Jane was a
A. beautiful young tall thin
B. young beautiful thin tall
C. beautiful tall thin young
D. young thin tall beautiful
Question 36 (Question ID: 1-43983)
They show me a marble sculpture which was
made by hand.
A. skilled
B. skillful
C. skillfully
D. skill
Question 42 (Question ID: 1-35427)
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the following sentence.
For your safety, we recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened during the flight.
A. For your safety, it is recommended that your seat belt is kept loosely fastened during the flight.
B. For your safety, your seat belt is recommended to be kept loosely fastened during the flight.
C. For your safety, we recommend that your seat belt are kept loosely fastened during the flight.
D. For your safety, it is recommended that your seat belt be kept loosely fastened during the flight.
Question 43 (Question ID: 1-6081)
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.
We always stand by you when you are in need.
A. Whenever you are in need, we stand next to you.
B. We cannot do anything for you though you are in need.
C. We always continue to support and help you when you are in need.
D. We can never stand your necessity.
Question 44 (Question ID: 1-42919)
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the following sentence.
The likelihood of suffering a heart attack rises as one becomes increasingly obese.
A. Heart attacks are happening more and more often, and most of the sufferers are obese.
B. Obesity results in only a slight increase in the probability of having a heart attack.
C. The more obese one is, the higher the chances for a heart attack become.
D. Anyone who is obese is likely to experience a heart attack at any time.
Question 45 (Question ID: 1-24017)
Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.
I saw a great cell phone on sale yesterday. However, I didn't have enough money with me.
A. I wish I hadn't had more money with me yesterday to buy that cell phone!
B. Only if I'd had more money with me yesterday to buy that cell phone!
C. I wish I had more money with me yesterday to buy that cell phone!
D. If only I'd had more money with me yesterday to buy that cell phone!
Question 46 (Question ID: 1-33898)
Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.
The children were attracted by the show. It was performed by the animals.
A. The children attracted by the show which was performed by the animals.
B. Performing by the animals, the show attracted the children.
C. The children were attracted by the show to have been performed by the animals.
D. The children were attracted by the show performed by the animals.
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