Hong Thanh | Chat Online
08/06 16:54:42

Fill in the blank

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
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Stay Healthy by Walking
My name is Charles and I have a great story to tell you. Last year, I won first
prize in a competition! It was a holiday in Kenya. It was 25-
long plane journey.
I stayed there for more 26.
a month, so I was away from home
for a long time, but it was great. I ate delicious food and saw a lot of wild
inside their
One week, I visited a Masai village. The Masai people 27.
friendly to me. They showed me their village 28.
homes, too. They even taught me to dance! I know I 29.
forget this wonderful time in Africa or all the new friends that
made there. I'd like to go back again soon.
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