Hong Thanh | Chat Online
12/06 19:51:00


----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Test 3
Have you still got that
history book of mine?
Could you let me have it
back because Rob needs
it for the weekend?
What should Justin do?
Reading and Writing
A lend the book to Rob when he's finished
reading it
B return the book so that someone else can
read it
C use the book over the weekend
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Thanks for inviting me
to your badminton party
at the sports club next
Saturday afternoon. Willi
know anyone else there?
Summer show
I have some great actors
and dancers but still
need people who play
We practise Tuesdays and
Thursdays after school.
Mrs Jenkins
Ben wants to know
A who is going to the party.
B what they're going to do at the party.
C what time the party starts.
For the show, Mrs Jenkins is looking for
A some better actors and dancers.
B anyone with free time this summer.
C students who are good at music.
I saw your text about
Dad's birthday present,
but we always get him
socks! What about
sunglasses? Mum can
take us to get some.
A Karin doesn't agree with Serena about what
to buy their father.
B Karin thinks their mother will have better
ideas for a present.
C Karin doesn't know what to buy her father for
his birthday.
Are you an excellent
swimmer and over
10 years old?
Then you can join the
sailing club!
Thursdays 5-8 p.m.
Only £50 per term
A New members of any age are welcome to
join the club.
B You must be able to swim to become a
member of the club.
C There is a special price for new members
who join the club on Thursday.
City Library
Library computers are
for members only-
ask receptionist about
becoming a member.
A You need to ask the receptionist which
computers you can use.
B Only people who work at the library can use
the computers.
C If you join the library, you can use the
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