Hong Thanh | Chat Online
12/06 20:17:28

For each question, choose the correct answer

Cần gấp ạ 
Giúp mình với ạ ????
Mình cmon nhìu ạ????
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Test 3
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Art you can eat
Yujia Hu was born in China, but moved to Milan,
in Italy, when he was eight. His family have a
Japanese restaurant there. When Yujia left school,
he (19)............. course at an art school, but he
didn't complete it. (20)...
For each question, write the correct answer.
Write ONE word for each gap.
he went to work in the family restaurant as a sushi chef.
We (0).
Sushi is a Japanese dish made of rice, with fish and vegetables.
Reading and Writing
Yujia is a big (21).
of basketball, and a few years ago he (22)
to start
using sushi to make models of the faces of famous players. His next idea was to make little
shoes, usually trainers, out of sushi. It (23)..............him about 30 minutes to make each
shoe. Yujia doesn't serve the sushi shoes to customers at his family's restaurant, but he
photographs of them online.
all having a great time camping in the forest. My class has got (25)
best place on the campsite, with a great view of the mountains.
Last night, (26)...
rained really hard. Lots of people got wet, (27)...
I was
lucky my new tent stayed dry all night! I'm really glad we decided to buy it. It's much better
my old one.
By the way, I forgot (29).. tell the football coach that I'm away (30)..
moment. Can you let him know that I can't come to practice this week?
19 A got
B held
C began
20 A Instead
B Really
C Maybe
21 A partner
B fan
C member
22 A believed
B understood
C decided
23 A spends
B takes
C delays
24 A sends
B shares
C joins
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