ejonep | Chat Online
14/06 19:09:49

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII. Complete the passage
Genealogy is a (..1..) of history. It concerns family history, (..2..) than the national or world history studied at school. It
doesn't merely involve drawing a family tree, however - tracing your family history can also (..3..) in learning about your roots
and identity. The Internet enables millions of people worldwide to (..4..) information about their family history, without
great (..5..). People who research their family history often (..6..) that it's a fascinating hobby which (..7..) a lot about where
they come from and whether they have famous ancestors. According to a survey (..8..) 900 people who had researched
their family history, the chances of discovering a celebrity in your past are one in ten. The survey also concluded that
the (..9..) back you follow your family line, the more likely you are to find a relation who was much wealthier than you are.
However, the vast majority of people who (..10..) in the survey discovered they were better off than their ancestors.
1. A. band
2. A. instead
3. A. cause
4. A. accomplish
5. A. fee
6. A. describe
7. A. reveals
8. A. contributing
9. A. older
10. A. attended
B. set
B. rather
B. mean
B. access
B. price
B. define
B. opens
B. involving
B. greater
B. participated
C. series
C. sooner
C. result
C. approach
C. charge
C. remark
C. begins
C. allowing
C. higher
C. included
D. branch
D. except
D. lead
D. admit
D. expense
D. regard
D. arises
D. exclusing
D. further
D. associated
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