ejonep | Chat Online
14/06 20:33:23

Chọn đáp án đúng

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Find a synonym (1-3) and an antonym (4-6)
B. don't practice
1. Stop telling me about this tournament. I am not interested in it.
A. don't care for
2. It's essential that you deliver the documents in person by Thursday.
A. certain
B. important
C. am not good at
D. am not reliant on
C. useful
D. believable
3. My older brother is extremely fond of astronomy; he seems to derive a lot of pleasure from observing the stars.
A. keen on
B. expert at
C. addicted to
C. throw away
4. Father doesn't want you to keep these disgusting insects.
A. turn off
B. put on
5. Michael was a terrible coward; he was even afraid to stay at home alone.
A. clever person
B. pleasant person
C. brave person
6. It's raining cats and dogs outside, so we'd better stay at home this evening.
A. firmly
B. thinly
C. brightly
D. scared of
D. take up
D. decisive person
D. slightly
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