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14/06 21:08:23

Complete the sentences using a given word? Fill each gap with one word given

Giúp mik vs
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Practice 1: Complete the sentences using a given word
conjestion - discount - amenities - packed - peaceful - advance - concrete jungles - convenient
1. There are good schools and hospitals, and other.....such as parks, and sports facilities.
2. Some cities are like.....with so many buildings and high-rises.
3. The sky train is.....with commuters at rush hour.
4. It is often more.....to live in the downtown than in the suburbs.
5. I know that the tram in Melbourne offers a.....for students.
6. The train updates its arrival every 30 minutes, so you can know.....
Practice 2: Fill each gap with one word given
goes on - bored - rush - fascinating - full - challenges - facilities - noisy - fabulous - crowded
A big city is full of life. City life is a more modern and (..1..) than elsewhere. It is usually very busy and (..2..) even at night.
Life in a big city starts early in the morning. Soon the roads are (..3..) of vehicles. School children in their uniforms can be
seen on the pavement, walking or waiting for buses. People (..4..) to work. With every passing hour, the traffic (..5..)
increasing. The shops and the market places remain (..6..) till the evening hours. Certain urban life has certain charms. It
offers great opportunities and (..7..), especially for the young. There are lots of things to do and (..8..) are well developed.
There are (..9..) places for amusement and recreation. One never feels (..10..) in a city.
Practice 3: Find a synonym to replace the underlined word
crowded - international - local - multiculture - urban - neighboring
1. There is not much world news in the newspapers this morning.
2. I do my shopping in the neighborhood shops, not in the town center.
3. At weekends, the city center is always packed with people.
4. My friend's family has just moved to a nearby town.
5. There is far too much pollution nowadays in city area.
Practice 4: Complete the sentences
1. Thank you / show us /city/our stay / Melbourne
2. Marriages/which not reliant / true love / be more likely / break
3. Motorists/forbid / park their cars / pavement.
4. That prices vary depend / the kind / service customers / require.
5. The thing I hate most / George / be his unreliability.
Practice 5: Rewrite the following
1. I realized that my house had been broken into when I came home. → On.....
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