QUốc Huy Nguyễn | Chat Online
14/06 21:15:18

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Street painting first (1) appeared / was appeared in the 16th century in Italy. The painters
(2) called / were called "madonnari" and they (3) painted / were painted pictures of well-
known characters on the pavement. In 1984, 3D pavement art (4) invented / was invented
by the American, Kurt Venner. When you look at 3D pavement art from a certain place, it
looks like it is 3D! A few years later, a TV documentary (5) made / was made Kurt and his
work famous. He (6) asked / was asked to make 3D art for adverts, festivals and museums.
This 3D pavement art (7) didn't do/ wasn't done by Kurt, but by Julian Beever, a British
pavement artist.
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