Hong Thanh | Chat Online
15/06 11:28:41

For each question, choose the correct answer

cần gấp ạ
mình cmon
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Part 3
Questions 14-18
For each question, choose the correct answer.
In the summer, Alexis
A plays video games and goes to the beach.
The Greek Waiter
Alexis is ten years old and lives in a small village on a
beautiful Greek island. Like all children his age, Alexis
has just completed Year 4 in primary school. But Alexis
is different from other children his age. He doesn't spend
the summer on the beach or playing video games. In the
busy summer months Alexis spends his days in his family's restaurant. In July and
August, the restaurant is very popular with tourists from all over the world. Because
he is the only person in his family who can speak English, it is his job to look after
the tourists when they eat at the restaurant. He explains the menu to tourists and
takes their orders.
Where did he learn his English? There is no school in Alexis's village, and during
the school year he travels 12 kilometres every day by bus to a nearby village to go
to school. Together with his classmates, two evenings a week, he attends English
classes at a language school in the same village. There is no bus service when his
classes end, so his mother picks him up and brings him home. Alexis doesn't mind,
he enjoys learning English. He wants to be a journalist so he knows languages will
be useful. He is very pleased that he can help his family with their business and the
tourists are very happy that they can order their meal in English. He's also learnt a
lot about cooking and loves the food at the restaurant!
spends July and August on another island.
doesn't have a lot of free time.
Alexis helps his family in the restaurant because he
is a good waiter.
likes meeting tourists.
can speak English.
Where does Alexis go to school?
in his village
in another village
C in a nearby town
Where does he learn English?
A in a language school
in primary school
at home
18 What does Alexis want to do when he's older?
write news articles
be a language teacher
have his own business
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