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15/06 21:10:48

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

Bài 5: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

look into / look after / look forward to / look up to / look up / look back / look for / look at / look out / look through / look in / look ahead / look over / look to


1. My uncle Tony usually ______________ my cat when I’m away.

2. Can you lend me a dictionary to ______________ the meaning of that word?

3. My sons are ______________ Easter holidays. We are flying to Europe.

4. The policeman is  ______________ the disappearance of some fingerprints.

5. Your teacher was in a hurry so he just ______________ the test.

6. Hector ______________ his father. He thinks that he is a hero.

7. My grandfather is 79 years old and he often ______________ his childhood.

8. When I arrived home  my dad ______________ his glasses in a drawer.

9. The children ______________ the sky to see the bright stars.

10. Sylvia, ______________ There is a car coming round the corner.

11. Yesterday Maggie ______________ on her grandparents to say hello.

12. Please, ______________ and go on driving home.

13. Mario got up earlier than usual to ______________ his notes.

14.  They ______________some houses before they bought that one.

15. I asked my dad to ______________ my essay for mistakes.

16. We are______________ my aunt and uncle’s visit next January.

17. She  usually  ______________  her best friend for advice on love affairs.

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