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16/06 10:09:19

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Complete the passage
Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, (..1..) an area of over 38 square kilometers. It (..2..) a population of about 1.6
million, which means that the population (..3..) is nearly 43 thousand per square kilometer, making it one of the most densely
(..4..) cities in the world. The overcrowding situation has led to many problems, among which are pollution from increasing
automobiles, dump sites, (..5..) industrial wastes. The city is also frequently hit by floods and storms. (..6..), people living in
Manila see traffic jams almost every day. According (..7..) statistics, crime has been increasing in the past three years as a
result of the living conditions. From the picture of Manila, we can see that overcrowding seriously (..8..) people's life quality.
1. A. crowds
B. covers
2. A. is
3. A. density
4. A. grown
5. A. and
6. A. However
7. A. with
8. A. improves
B. had
C. performs
C. is having
C. rate
C. populated
C. except
B. growth
B. situated
B. but
B. Nevertheless
C. Otherwise
B. in
C. to
B. affects
C. facilitates
D. lies
D. has
D. decrease
D. located
D. beside
D. Moreover
D. for
D. crashes
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