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16/06 10:10:16

Choose a synonym (1-4) and an antonym (5-8)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
V. Choose a synonym (1-4) and an antonym (5-8)
1. Renewable energy is generated from sources that naturally replenish themselves and never run out.
A. consume
B. exhaust
2. It is obvious that big cities suffer more pollution than the countryside.
B. are caused by
A. are prevented from
3. My brother has a friend in France and they chat with each other regularly.
B. enjoyably
A. similarly
A. activity
C. pollute
D. replace
C. are affected by
D. are concerned about
C. carefully
D. frequently
D. assistance
D. favorite
4. Americans are criticized for placing too much emphasis on being on time.
C. annoyance
5. Despite the negative reviews, Jurassic World reached $1 billion in ticket sales.
A. normal
B. importance
B. good
C. daily
6. Would you say The Great Wall is among the seven man-made wonders of the world?
A. historical
B. ancient
C. unique
7. I think public transport in this city is quite good, and it's not expensive.
A. efficient
B. private
C. modern
D. natural
D. urban
C. made clean
D. made dirty
8. If the water is contaminated, it will have a serious effect on living things.
A. made cooler
B. made active
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