Jennifer Vu | Chat Online
17/06 12:48:35

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

Nhờ mn sửa bài giúp em ạ(nếu sai). Còn đúng thì thôi. Em cảm ơn
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Jamieson this morning?
been in a fight, IX. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
stminster Abbey
had arrived
ised/ had
1. We
A. buy
some sandwiches and fresh fruit for our last week's picnic lunch.
yet 2.
A Did...have
ad we had/ ha
B. had bought
D. was buying
a good time at your best friend's birthday party last night?
B. Had...had
C. Were...have
My first cousin
his doctor because he
A. wasn't visiting-suffered
C. visited had suffered
I forgot/ha. Why
D. Was...having
with a heavy cold.
B. has visited - didn't suffer
D. visited-was suffering
from the competition? You
A. had...withdrawn - prepared
did...withdraw - had prepared
Mr. Clark and Ms. Sinclair
VA. Did...found
or the
C. Were...founding
6. Alice and Bob
for it very carefully.
B. didn't...withdraw - were preparing
D. weren't...withdrawing - have prepared
their charitable organisation before 2000?
B. Had...founded
D. Would...found
their history homework assignments before they
B. didn't finish - had played
D, hadn't finished - played
A. were finishing - were playing
C. finished-had played
7. By the time they.
8. I
at the opera house, the musical show
A arrived - hadn't started
C. didn't arrive - started
B. had arrived- started
D. had arrived - had started
airplane models with my sister yesterday evening. I
A. didn't make - baked
C. had made - didn't bake
9. When
some cookies with her.
B. wasn't making - was baking
(D) made - hadn't baked
Robert and Ben arguing with each other the other day?
A. were...seeing
B. had...seen
10. A lot of audience members
C. did...see
flowers to the singer as she
D. have...seen
on stage.
B. were giving performed
D. were giving was performing
no more tickets.
A. gave was performing
C. gave -performed
11. They
to attend that rock concert but there
A. were wanted - was
B. had wanted - was
C. were wanting - were
D. wanted-were
a photo of the Taj Mahal Palace before you.
A. Did...take-had left
C. Were...taking- leave
B. Had...taken-left
D. Did...take had left
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