Ng Linh | Chat Online
17/06 21:31:06

Choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
E Choose the correct answer.
la........... shower at the moment,
so could you call back in about half an
A takes
B is taking
C has taken
D has been taking
............ to Ipswich before?
A Do you ever go
B Are you ever going
C Have you ever been
D Have you ever been going
1. to all the local newspapers
and TV stations to complain.
A already write
B already writing
That's the first time
an answer
right today!
A I get
B I am getting
C I have got
D I have been getting
Jessica has .......... left, I'm afraid.
A already
B yet
C still
D so far
8 Din the living room while
we redecorate his bedroom.
A sleeps
B is sleeping
C has slept
C have already written
D does sleep
D have already been writing
Unfortunately, Simone
a day
......... TV for the last four hours? Turn
off very often.
it off and get some exercise!
A doesn't get
A Do you watch
B isn't getting
C hasn't got
B Are you watching
C Watched you
D Have you been watching competitively or
just for fun?
A do you usually play
B are you usually playing
C have you usually played
D have you usually been playing
D hasn't been getting
a cup of tea first
thing every morning but then I switch
to coffee.
A do drink
B am drinking
C have drunk
D have been drinking
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