phạm minh đức | Chat Online
18/06 15:50:00

Chọn đáp án đúng

giúp mình với
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III. Chose the word to fill in the gaps among A, B, C or D:
Two of the most important holidays in the United state are Independence day and Thanksgiving
Day. The fourth of July marks the American declaration of independence from Britain. Most
towns, big or small, celebrate the fourth of July with parades and fireworks.
Families(1)........... ....with barbecues or picnics. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in Fall, on
the fourth Thursday in November. It is a day (2)............people give thanks to the harvest. Most
families (3)...........a large dinner with roast turkey. (4)..
Independence Day and
Thanksgiving are national (5)...
1. A. celebrating
2. A. where
3. A. have
4. A. Besides
5. A.chances
B. celebration
B. when
B. buy
C. celebrate
C. which
D. celebrated
D. in which
D. take
D. Nor
C. help
B. Both
C. Either
B. months
C. holidays
D. times
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