Nguyễn Phát | Chat Online
18/06 16:11:45

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. _____________ DIY means you do something yourself without the help of experts.
A. Playing B. Doing C. Making D. Taking
2. She loves making _____________, such as pottery and carving wood.
A. crafts B. origami C. stamps D. bracelets
3. Melinda _____________ hanging out because she is a sociable person.
A. detests B. hates C. dislikes D. fancies
4. Many people like _____________ the Internet with their mobile phones.
A. surfing B. blogging C. emailing D. communicating
5. It’s helpful to learn life _____________ or a foreign language in free time.
A. tricks B. skills C. kits D. tools
6. Video chatting is among dozens of ways to virtually visit friends and _____________.
A. neighbours B. acquaintances C. relatives D. members
7. He doesn’t mind going window _____________ in the mall with his friends
A. having B. selling C. buying D. shopping
8. Samuel is sociable so he can _____________ a lot of friends at school.
A. make B. take C. do D. work
9. I usually make a phone call to friends instead of _____________.
A. listening B. messaging C. reading D. typing
10. This might sound _____________, but I enjoy watching rain.
A. satisfied B. weird C. exciting D. reasonable
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