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19/06 07:07:05

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences

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Exercise 1.3
: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences

Question 1: Teachers should try to understand their students before they_____the punishment.

A. bring out              B. give out                C. hand out                                D. splash out

Question 2: When the police started asking questions, the suspect_____.

A. clammed up          B. eased off               C. wore out                                D. gave away

Question 3: When you are buying a flight, make sure you_____to find the best price first.

A. cast around           B. swirl around         C. shop around                                D. spin around

Question 4: My big brother always_____for me when my mom yelled at me.

A. stuck up               B. stood up               C. hooked up                                D. blocked up

Question 5: Strictly_____the record, his work is not up to scratch. Don’t tell him.

A. on                        B. by                        C. in                                D. off

Question 6: They have fitted_____their bedroom with a new table.

A. by                        B. with                      C. out                                D. in

Question 7: The doctor had to rely on many kinds of medicine to_____the cold.

A. throw out              B. throw off              C. throw away                                D. throw in

Question 8: This shirt is too tight for you. You’d better let it_____.

A. out                       B. away                    C. in                                D. back

Question 9: Many years have_____since I last talked to my teacher.

A. rolled away          B. rolled out              C. rolled by                                D. rolled through

Question 10: There was nothing to entertain so we were_____ our own resources.

A. thrown away from B. thrown off from    C. thrown out with                                D. thrown back on

Question 11: The news of his acceptance knocked everybody_____.

A. out                       B. over                     C. by                                D. up

Question 12: The tickets for the prom were_____within three hours of going on sale.

A. nailed down          B. eked out               C. snapped up                                D. glossed over

Question 13: I have been_____all day trying to get this work finished.

A. slaving away        B. lying about           C. consisting in                                D. blowing up

Question 14: We should end it now. The dispute has_____for months.

A. turned around       B. brought about       C. dragged on                                D. stamped on

Question 15: True education does not_____simply being taught to remember the facts.

A. tick off                 B. consist in              C. squirrel away                                D. swot up on

Question 16: My speech was okay but I just hope I didn’t_____as soon as I got to the podium.

A. dry out                 B. dry away              C. dry up                                D. dry over

Question 17: Rudy was really opposed to the idea at the start, but we managed to talk him_____in the end.

A. over                     B. round                   C. down                                D. across

Question 18: The Minister was shouted _____ by protestors angry at the government’s proposals.

A. round                   B. on                        C. down                                D. out

Question 19: We were walking through the woods when we chanced_____a trap set by hunters.

A. over                     B. down                    C. across                                D. upon

Question 20: The new law has thrown_____a number of problems for farmers that weren’t expected.

A. out                       B. up                        C. off                                D. with

Question 21: Organizations concerned about the environment seem to have_____ everywhere these days.

A. springing up         B. slipping up            C. storing up                                D. digging up

Question 22: These figures don't make sense - have we_____somewhere?

A. caught in              B. slipped up             C. thrown out                                D. dropped off

Question 23: The whole area has been_____following a bomb threat.

A. popped up            B. set aside               C. cordoned off                                D. moved out

Question 24: It seems that the explorers went_____after losing their map and wandered in the jungles for days.

A. off                       B. away                    C. astray                                D. lost

Question 25: I can easily while the whole afternoon_____reading a good book.

A. under                   B. over                     C. up                                D. away

Question 26: Mull my offer_____for a few days and then let me know what you think.

A. down                    B. apart                     C. through                                D. over

Question 27: These carrots have shriveled_____a bit so I think I’ll throw them away.

A. up                        B. down                    C. back                                D. out

Question 28: I think we should_____our original plans.

A. stick to                 B. put aside               C. get on to                                D. blow away

Question 29: Don’t read too much_____her leaving so suddenly - she probably just had a train to catch.

A. in                         B. into                      C. to                                D. at

Question 30: Jo’s has been slogging_____at her revision all morning. Why don’t you take her a cup of coffee?

A. away                    B. out                       C. for                                D. from

Question 31: It is rumored that they are planning to_____off more staff next month. I hope I’m not one of them.

A. put                       B. call                       C. take                                D. lay

Question 32: Mel’s decided to leave his job and branch_____on his own.

A. up                        B. out                       C. off                                D. over

Question 33: I was hoping to sell his house for $100,000 but he had to settle _____$80,0000.

A. by                        B. at                         C. for                                D. in

Question 34: They_____a two-month tour of the US with a party in Washington.

A. set forth                B. brought off           C. came up with                                D. kicked off

Question 35: I am not sure my brother will ever get married because he hates the feeling of being_____.

A. tied up                  B. tied in                   C. tied in with                                D. tied down

Question 36: I was promised a good job from January this year, but it’s April now and I’m afraid that they are just_____me along.

A. cheating               B. swindling              C. stringing                                D. bringing

Question 37: He_____the whole pie in just a few minutes.

A. swot up on            B. took on                 C. knocked out                                D. polished off

Question 38: You should_____her down to a specific time because she always procrastinates.

A. clamp                   B. nail                       C. cut                                D. put

Question 39: The minister has money_____in various band accounts all over the world.

A. squirreled away    B. given away           C. fallen away                                D. thrown away

Question 40: It is vital that the referee not gloss_____this problem.

A. out                       B. over                     C. off                                D. up

Question 41: This area is absolutely_____for more investments.

A. better off              B. breaking down      C. crying out                                D. cutting back

Question 42: She threatened to do herself_____when her husband ran away with her best friend.

A. up                        B. off                        C. down                                D. in

Question 43: He was_____by his parents for not doing his chores.

A. done up                B. ticked off              C. carried away                                D. poured down

Question 44: We all creased_____when Nick walked in wearing a skirt.

A. off                       B. up                        C. out                                D. on

Question 45: They_____ahead regardless of the public objections.

A. threw                   B. pushed                  C. pressed                                D. kicked

Question 46: The rumors_____the town very quickly, didn’t they?

A. got around            B. flowed into           C. hit upon                                D. grew on

Question 47: Jim’s a tough character and certainly won’t let anyone push him_____.

A. up                        B. of                         C. through                                D. around

Question 48: I’ve just left Ben poring_____computer printouts with an engineer.

A. into                      B. around                  C. over                                D. on

Question 49: I've been doing this job for twenty years and it's time to_____it in.

A. treasure                B. take                      C. beat                                D. pack

Question 50: Insurance companies had to_____$10 million in storm damage claims.

A. cough up              B. put out                  C. give away                                D. squeeze up

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