tran lan | Chat Online
20/06 23:22:46

Điền vào chỗ trống

Giúp e vs ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
By this time last week, we (visit)..
2. The last time I
3.Look! It.....
4.Your dress
5. He (live).....
(have) these cards since my birthday.
6. He is too busy (take)......
7. Nam suggested (take)..
8. If Ba (come)...
9.Nga's house (build).......
10. They (live)........
Ex 3
Nha Trang
...(go) to Bristain was in August
..(snow) outside.
......(look) very nice. Da Lat since 1995 of her.
........showers instead of baths to save water
....... here tomorrow, I will phone you
in 1995
... in that house for several months
a. My younger sister often (1. spend)................. two hours (2. learn)............ English every day.
b. I already (3. finish)..
c. Tom (5.break)..
(4. read)....
his leg after he (6.fall)...
the novel you gave me last week.
off through the rock.
d. Don't forget (7.go)......... to the travel agent's, will you ?The plane tickets need (8.pick up)..
e. It is possible that we (
Ex 4
....on the moon or on Mars in 2050
.by air.
a meeting.
1. I am sure the letter won't arrive in time unless it (send).
2. I remember (pay).
.......him. I gave him two dollars.
3. Don't call me between 7am and 8am tomorrow. I (have)..........
4. He said that he (see).....
5. It is 2 years since I (last give)
6.1 wish everybody (have)....
7.She said she (visit)........
8. If I were you, I ....
9. He should give up
.that man before.
..presents on Christmas day.
enough food and a place to live in.
Hue the next Sunday
(not spend) much time on video games.
(smoke). He looks unhealthy.
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