Daisy Daisy | Chat Online
21/06 09:34:28

Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence before it

II. Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence before it.
25. Don’t come here late or you will miss the bus.
 If _______________________________________________________________
26. If he doesn’t do that, he will get bonus.
  Unless _______________________________________________________________
27. You can’t visit Paris unless you get a visa.
 If __________________________________________________________________
28. If you study harder, you will pass your exam easily.
 Unless __________________________________________________________________
29. If it doesn’t rain, we will go for a picnic.
 Unless _______________________________________________________________
30. The last time I met my grandpa was two months ago.
 I haven’t_______________________________________________________________
31. She started living in Hue in 2020.
 She has_______________________________________________________________
32. It takes my son 10 minutes to brush his teeth everyday.
 My son_______________________________________________________________
33. How much are these flowers?
34. He failed the exam
 He wishes_______________________________________________________________
35. Playing football is very interesting.
 It is____________________________________________________________
36. People don’t grow rice in cold climate.
37.They will repair their car next week.
This road____________________________________________________________
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