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21/06 09:34:48

Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence before it

III. Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence before it.
38. Don’t come here late or you will miss the bus.
a. If you don’t come here late, you will miss the bus.    
b. If you come here late, you will miss the bus.
c. If you  come here late, you won’t miss the bus.   
d. Unless you  come here late, you won’t miss the bus.
39. If he doesn’t do that, he will get bonus.
a. Unless he doesn’t do that, he will get bonus.                 b. Unless he do that, he will get bonus.
c. Unless he does that, he will get bonus.                          d. Unless he do that, he won’t get bonus.
40. You can’t visit Paris unless you get a visa.
a. You can’t visit Paris if you don’t get a visa.       b. You can visit Paris unless you get a visa.
c. You can’t visit Paris if you get a visa.                 d. You can’t visit Paris unless you don’t get a visa.
41. The last time I met my grandpa was two months ago.
a. I haven’t met my grandpa two months ago.     b. I haven’t meet my grandpa for two months ago.
c. I haven’t met my grandpa for two months.      d. I haven’t met my grandpa since two months.
42. She started living in Hue in 2020.
a. She has living in Hue in 2020.                           b. She has lived in Hue in 2020.
c. She has living in Hue since 2020.                     d. She has lived in Hue since 2020.  
43. It takes my son 10 minutes to brush his teeth everyday.
a. My son spend 10 minutes brushing his teeth everyday.
b. My son spends 10 minutes brushing his teeth everyday .
c. My son spent 10 minutes brushing his teeth everyday.
d. My son spends 10 minutes to brush his teeth everyday.
44. How much are these flowers?
a. How much do these flowers cost?                       b. How much does these flowers cost?
c. How much do these flowers costs?                     d. How much does these flowers costs?
32. People don’t grow rice in cold climate.
a. Rice isn’t grew in cold climate.                             b. Rice isn’t grown in cold climate.
c. Rice aren’t grew in cold climate.                           d. Rice aren’t grown in cold climate.
45.They will repair their car next week.
a.Their car will repaired next week.                          b. Their car will be repaired next week.
c. Their car will repair next week.                             d. Their car will be repair next week.
46.The problem was very complicated, so I couldn’t solve it by myself.
a. The problem was so very complicated that I couldn’t solve it by myself.
b. It was such a very complicated problem that I couldn’t solve it by myself.
c. The problem was so complicated that I couldn’t solve it by myself.
d. The problem was such very complicated that I couldn’t solve it by myself.
47.The film was very boring, so all of us stopped watching it.
a. The film was too boring for all of us to stopped watching.
b. The film was too boring for all of us to stop watching.
c. The film wasn’t boring enough for all of us to stop watching it.
d. The film wasn’t interesting enough for all of us to stopped watching it.
48. John and Peter could read when they were 3 years old, ………………..?
         a. were they                b. couldn’t they               c. could they                  d. weren’t they
49. Let’s go fishing, …………………..?
         a. shall we                    b. will we                        c. let us                         d. let not us
50. His father never smokes cigarrettes, ……………………?
         a. doesn’t he                    b. does his father          c. doesn’t his father          d. does he
51. Don’t cry, ……………………?
         a. do you                    b. don’t you                        c. will you                         d. won’t you
52. If she doesn’t do morning exercises regularly, she will be fatter and fatter.
a.Unless she do morning exercises regularly, she will be fatter and fatter.
b.Unless she does morning exercises regularly, she will be fatter and fatter.
c.Unless she does morning exercises regularly, she won’t be fatter and fatter.
d.Unless she do morning exercises regularly, she won’t be fatter and fatter.
53.My grandfather died ……………the 21st May 2011.
         a. in                              b. on                                   c. at                                 d. of
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