tran lan | Chat Online
22/06 22:46:42

Chia dạng đúng của từ

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex 12
1. If it (rain).
..... could you bring in the washing from the garden?
2. The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom (drive).
driving so fast.
3. I like (play)
4. She advised me (consider)
5.My house (build).....
Ex 13
tennis but I wouldn't like (play)
..............all the facts before (decide).
in 1980
at 50 miles at that time. He shouldn't (be)
.......... with her. She's such a bad loser.
to accept the job.
1. Do not turn off the TV! She (watch)......
......the weather forecast.
2. The Smiths (spend)........... two days in Ha Noi before they (travel)........... to Sa Pa last week. since he (move) Ho Chi Minh City last month. when their mother (come)........... back home.
3. My brother (not call)
4.The children (play).
5.I (phone).........
.... her last night but she (not answer)...... in the school yard.
6. At 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon we (play).....
7. They (come)
8. They wish they (not have).....
9. Do you ever regret (not study).
..back home after they (finish)...
10. I was a bit lazy this time, but I promise (study)
.. a test tomorrow university, Peter?
. their work.
harder next time.
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