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23/06 09:55:14

Choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. He wondered
I'm not sure
Our car
A. broke into
to tell the news to his parents. a.why
A. how
. I can solve this problem
at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.
B. broke away
C. broke in
We need to prepare food, do laundry and chores at home. It's.....
A. social skills
Viet Nam becomes. c.what d.which
B. self-care skills C. housekeeping skills
to foreign tourists.
B. what.
C. who
D. by whom
D. broke down
D. cognitive skills
A. more and most attractive. B. the more attractive. C. much and more attractive. D. more and more attractive
This car is.
A. less expensive.
than mine.
B. as expensive
C. expensive
D. not so expensive
Japan is the
developed country in the world.
A. most second
B. second in most
C. second most
D. two most
8. The weather was
in England than in Spain last week.
a. most warmer far warmer
c.more warmer
d. much warmer
9. He still doesn't know
a. when to manage
b. how to manage
his budget when living alone in the city.
c. where to manage
d. what to manage
A. why
B. when
D. what
10. His neighbours sometimes wondered............ he did for a living.
C. where
11. Marigold wondered............. Kevin and Ruth would be at the party. A. that
12. Tom told us that sometimes he had difficulty
A. expressing
13. Ann was raised very
B. communicating
his feelings.
C. sending
B. whether C. if D. B & C
D. talking
..... on her parents, and she was ............ that she wouldn't live on her own afterwards.
B. dependent-worried C. independent - worry D. independent - worried
A. dependent - worry.
C. fell
14. Have you ever
A. fall B. falling
asleep at the movies?
D. fallen
15. My best friend's mother is very nice to me. She
A. holds parties for
B. treats me like C. spends time with
16. Amy's date last night
A. took time B. hung out
17. I should like to
her daughter.
D. worries about
She liked him and he liked her, so they are going out again tonight!
C. went well D. spent time
touch with old friends but I have so little time.
D. keep in
A. get into B. be in C. lose
18. You shouldn't stay at home so much. Get
A. by
B. out
19. My colleague was proud
20. She was
A. very angry
C. over
and make new friends.
D. away
finishing the work in such a short time. A. about B. on C. over D. of
that she couldn't speak any word.
C. so angry
B. too angry
D. such angry
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