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23/06 10:00:32

Choose the best answer to make correct sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex 16. Choose the best answer to make correct sentence.
1. things/do/ used/on/ we/ many/to/ Sundays/./
We do many things used to on Sundays.
We used do to many things on Sundays.
We used to do on many things Sundays.
D. We used to do many things on Sundays
2. he/ bought/next/party/a/ the/ week/for/ few/eggs/./
A. He bought a few eggs for the party next week.
He bought the party for a few eggs next week.
C. He bought the party a few eggs for next week.
D. He bought the eggs for a few party next week.
3. my/TV/when/ watching/ I/ were/ came/ friends/./
A. When my friends came, I were watching TV.
When I were watching TV, my friends came.
When I came, my friends were watching TV.
D. When I came TV, my friends were watching.
4. their/airport/to/ do/ will/ they/go/ meet/ tomorrow/the/
A. They will go to meet their friends to the airport tomorrow.
B. They will go to meet their friends tomorrow to the airport.
C. They will go to the airport to meet their friends tomorrow.
D. They will go tomorrow to the airport to meet their friends.
5. you/you/ I'm/it/ postcards/show/ sending/ how/ some/ was/
to/ great/./
A. I'm sending you some postcards to show you how was great
B. I'm sending you some postcards to show you how was it
C. I'm sending you some postcards to show you how great was
D. I'm sending you some postcards to show you how great it
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