Mai Chi Nguyen | Chat Online
23/06 10:37:47

Viết câu

9. When did you start to listen to pop music?
How long have you listened to pop muss
10. My father stopped smoking last year.
My father hasn't.......
The last time..
11.1 didn't call her up 2 days ago.
I haven't..
12. Did you finish the test an hour ago?
13.1 started playing tennis last year. I've
14. He began to use the computer when he was 19.
He has
15. She didn't learn hard in 2005.
She hasn't
16. Peter watched this film when he came home.
Peter has
17. It's a week since I last saw her.
I haven't
18. The boys began playing soccer a year ago.
The boys have
19. Did Dad start to work here when I was born?
20. When did you first see her?
How long.
21. The last time we saw her was 2 months ago We haven 't
22. Tom did not work here when I met him on the street Tom has
23. This is the first time he has forgotten his bag
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