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23/06 21:19:51

Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank

Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank. (20 pts)

1.     He’s a university student majoring in ………………. (climate)

2.     The teacher gave us a(n) ………………………. lesson on conservation. (introduce)

3.     To be completely fair, we need a(n) ……………………… person. (interest)

4.     The inauguration ceremony was given …………………… coverage. (world)

5.     After working really hard for the examination, he deserved a(n) ……………….. holiday. (earn)

6.     Such important work needs …………………….. (exact)

7. The article I read the other day was quite …………….. That’s why I keep it for later reference. (inform)

8.     …………………….. enough, no-one else has applied for the job. (Amaze)

9.     Please check the ……………………… of the language lab on that day. (avail)

10.     The tendency now is to ………………….. our cell phone ringtones. (person)

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