Ng Uyen | Chat Online
24/06 08:32:20

Chia dạng đúng của từ

giúp vs giúp vs
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
her birthday.
1. She (come) Comes back home after she (finish) finisheiheir work.
2. Before my son (go)... goes..... to bed, he (read)..eacts....
3. He told me he (not/wear):
4. When I came to the stadium, the match (start)
5. Last night, Peter (go)..
1. Tom..
....... a novel.
such kind of clothes before.
o the supermarket before he (go)
(give) me the book yesterday but I knew he .................. (not read) it
2. When I arrived home I realized that I.........
3. The postman..
4. When the old lady.....
5. My grandmother...
6. By the time Linda...
7. I wondered where I
8. My dog.
...(come) after I ...
(not phone) my grandparents
.... (leave) the office
(return) to her flat, she...
. (make) some cheese sandwiches when I
... (park) her car, her boyfriend...
(see) him before
(be) hungry because he...
(recognize) him because I ......
10. Margaret was upset because her husband
11. They (plant)......
12. He (not study)......
13. She (play).
14. They sometimes (do).
15. Thanh and I (be)
16. Hung (run).
........trees in the early year.
17. Hung and Minh sometimes
18. Every evening, she (jog)....
19............................he (be)
20. He always (drive).
21................... you
22. 1 (wash)........
Math at the moment.
(see) that burglars..
(get) home at 5.30
... (drink) two cups of coffee
.... (have) nothing to eat since breakfast
(see) his photo in the newspaper before
(forget) her birthday.
badminton every afternoon?
............... morning exersices at 5.30.
at home now.
about 5 km every morning.
(meet) ..........................each other?
...............about 3 km.
your father?
..his car to work. But now, he (ride)
(wash) the dishes yet?
the dishes yesterday, but I (have)
(break) into.
............his motorbike to work.
no time yet to do it today
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