Thy Nguyễn | Chat Online
25/06/2024 10:48:31

Điền từ

27 With so many choices, it is hard to __________ (decision) what to buy

28 This problem caused a lot of __________ (difficult

29 A lot of modern ( technical ) __________ is used in various fields.

30 The ( develop ) __________  of synthetic fabric has brought new challenges. 31Good __________ is essential in a large organization ( communicate).

 32 She is so busy with __________ activities that she has no time for entertainment (society)

 33.Winning the race was an __________ (achieve)

34__________ is increasing by using better methods and tools ( produce)

35She is so busy with …………. ……. activities that she has no time for entertainment. (society)

36Winning the race was an ………………. ………………(achieve).

37Every…… ………….. in science helps you gain new knowledge. (succeed)

38……….. ……….. is increasing by using better methods and tools. ( produce)

39He’s very …………………. in scientific subjects.                        (interest)

40There have been many wonderful …. …………………... in this century. ( develop)

41… ………………., he survived the crash without injury. ( miraculous )

42We are faced with a difficult ……………. …………………(choose)

43Do you need a …………. ………………. memory to become a scientist? ( miracle)

44Our school team won three …….. ………………. Games. ( succession)

45Your evidence was ………………………one ( decide)

46.            It will take a long time to find out a thorough. …………. to this problem. ( solve )

47.            Paper money is used (increase ) …… ………………. in the modern world.

48.            (educate)…….. ………………. is very important for everyone.

49.            This skirt will lose its color when …….. ……………………. (wash )

50.            This village was …………. …………………. (electric ) three years ago.

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