Thy Nguyễn | Chat Online
25/06/2024 14:01:29

Điền từ

46.            This clock is her most………………. …………………. (value) thing.

47.            I’ll give you three sweets in …….. ………………………(change) for an apple.

48.            In recent years, there has been many….. ………………. (develop) in science.

49.            Can you………….. …………………. (imagination) life without electricity?

50.            Everyone must obey the rules of. (socical)

51.            She is quite ………… ………………………. (recognize) in her shirt.

52.            Friendship ………. …………………(base) on trust and understanding is long lasting.

53.            Almost every …………… (social) has a money economy (base ) on coins and paper notes.

54.            When………. ……… (consider) of equal value, the goods can be exchange.

55.            This gold lamp is the most … ……………………. ( value ) object in the house

56.            ……………………… first when we have manual work. ( safe )

57.            The plane arrived…………. ………………. after a violent storm. ( safe )

58.            Try to keep your money…. ………………………. from the burglars. ( safety )


64Thai’s economy depends on………………………( tour )

65You have to keep your ………………………. . from that snake. ( distant ) 66Phuong and Ha are ……………………………related. ( distant )

67They are ………………………. . . . greeted by the native, ( warm )

68The …………………. . by the little girl was a great hit ( perform

69She was………………. . to look at the big statue ( amaze

70To my…………………, the monkey can play the guitar. (knowledgeable)

71His result was …………………. . exellent ( amaze )

72He was ………………. . good at Math ( amaze )

73Small companies are ……………managed by the owners themselves ( normal ) 74Brazillians played very …………………( simple ) 

75Uncle Ho is a man of ………………………( simple )

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