Thy Nguyễn | Chat Online
25/06/2024 20:42:39

Chia dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

22. We all looked …………………..……..after the summer holiday. (health)

23. Young children think that animals are . ……………………..………………………..(fascinate)

24. Mary gets lots of flowers because of her good…………………….(perform)

25. The children are more…………………………………………….……………….in cartoon.(interst)

26. ……………………………………………activities should be promoted widely in our country. (culture)

27. To my…………………………………………., he passed the exam easily. (amaze)

28. ……………………………………………., the weather was so bad that we couldn,t go out. (fortune)

29.The hotel we used to stay has now been ………………………………………………………(modern)

30. We like this car because it is very…………………………………………………………… (economy)

31. She said: “Good morning” in a most……………………..way.(friend)

32. Each athlete take part in the Olympic Games in the true spirit of …………………..(sports)

33. They work hard in order to …..…………………….……………….good crops from poor soil.( product)

34. They caught him by the wrist and led him away; he went without ………………….………….(resist)

35. I,m afraid you aren,t suitably……………………….………………….for this job.(qualification)

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