Thy Nguyễn | Chat Online
25/06/2024 21:03:08

Chia động từ trong ngoặc

51. Jack,s ………………………….…………………………has turned him into confident person. (successful)
52. Some people claim to be able to ………………………….…………………………the future.(tell)
53. Although Alice was not………… about helping with the washing up, she did so all the time.(enthusiasm)
54. It is said that Hue is a ………………………….…………………………city. (peace)
55. The manager handed in his …………………………………… after being accued of dishonesty.(resign)
56. We can,t depend on him, he is a very………………………….…………………………person. (rely)
57. You,d better……………………………this letter because you wrote it too quickly and carelessly.(write)
58. I have informed about the ………………………………………of new guest of my company. (arrive)
59. She understands ………………………….…………………………what you are saying.(perfect)
60. He is always………………………….…………………………of his rich family.(pride)
61. ………………………….…………………………Vietnam is often affected by droughts. (centre)
62. Nowadays, people can,t live without …………………………………equipments. (modernization)
63. He smile at me in a………………………….…………………………way.(friendship)
64. She felt a sense of …………………………………………when his friends went to live abroad.(lose)
65. Sorry about the mistakes, I……………………………… the instructions you gave me. (understand)
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