Linh | Chat Online
26/06 13:35:09

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in bold. Add any other words you need

II. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in bold. Add any other words you need.
*NOTE: Type only the missing words in small letters in the answer box.
1. Not until the area is made safe __________ (construction / can continue)
2. In no way __________ (the announcement / affect) how strongly we felt about the situation. 
3. Seldom __________ (you / see) a vintage car in quite such good condition these days. 
4. Not only __________ (Jerry / forget) my birthday, but he also forgot our wedding anniversary. 
5. At no time __________ (I / ask) my opinion on the subject. 
6. Only when I checked the ticket again __________ (I / realise) that I had won first prize! 
7. Only if the weather is clear __________ (the space shuttle / will allow) to launch. 
8. Such __________ (the media interest / be) in the wedding that there were over a dozen photographers.
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