khanhh huyenn cuti | Chat Online
27/06/2024 20:38:41

Fill in each blank with one suitable relative pronoun

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Fill in each blank with one suitable relative pronoun.
Did you know that there are people (1)
heard of actuaries until my friend Greg, (2)
are paid to predict the future? They're called "actuaries'. I'd never
mother is an actuary, told me about them. It's a job (3)
sounds quite interesting. Actuaries usually work for companies, like insurance companies, (4)
deal with the chances of things happening in the future. Actuaries have to decide how probable it is that something
will happen. For example, it's more probable that buildings will be flooded in places (5)
it rains a lot. Greg's
mum, (6)
has been an actuary for about five years, is involved with car insurance. She works in an office (7)
they decide how much car insurance people should pay. It's more probable that a car (8)
is new
is safer and more reliable than a very old car, so people (9)
cars are new pay less insurance. If there are
drivers (10)
she thinks will probably have more accidents, she makes them pay more insurance!
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