Moon JDK | Chat Online
28/06 13:24:46

Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the words in the box

giúp mik vs mik hứa chấm full điểm
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the words in the
box. (sound, hard, polite, traditional, careful, optimistic, fluent, generous, healthy,
1. In my village, the farmers have to work
2. After a hard-working day, workers usually sleep
3. People in the countryside dress
4. I don't think rich people always donate.
5. My sister eats.
6. People in rural areas of Britain talk
people. They believe in better future.
7. City people seem to react.
8. He drives
9. I speak English
10. She greeted me,
at harvest time.
in the past than today.
than poor people.
, so she is slimmer now.
about the future than city
to changes than country people.
after he had a serious accident last month.
now than last year.
than her sisters who said "hey" to the older
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