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28/06 13:36:48

"Everything was different yesterday", said Nick. (BEEN)

31. "Everything was different yesterday", said Nick. (BEEN)
à Nick said everything _______________________________ before.
32. "We're going on our yearly diet tomorrow", said Jessie and Sandy together. (STARTING)
à Jessie and Sandy said together that ______________________their yearly diet the next day.
33. Mr. Nam started teaching English 20 years ago. (FOR)
34. This is the first time she has come to Vietnam. (NEVER)
35. The last time I met her was 3 years ago. (HAVEN’T)
36. That is the most interesting novel I have ever read. (SUCH)
37. This is the third time I have been to Hanoi. (TWICE)
38. Thanks to technology advances, people can predict some weather disasters such as hurricanes and blizzards.
→ Thanks to_______________________________________________ (predicted)
39. In some cases, lightning can result in wildfires.
→ In some cases,_____________________________________________ (caused)
40. The three injured men          were taken to the hospital by some local people. After that, the ambulance came.
→ The three injured men_____________________________________ (by the time)
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