Thuw Nguyễn | Chat Online
28/06 16:18:20

Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning

Làm hết, đúng=5⭐️
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
13. She has not seen that film before
It is the
:14. Tom usually played chess when he was a child
Tom used....
-15. She can't swim well
She wish..
16. He is not as intelligent as his sister
His sister is...
17. It took him three days to go on business
18. Although he works very hard, he doesn't pass the exam
19. Whose is this book?
20. I like yellow and red
21. My father bought this house for five years
This house....
22. I haven't seen her for six months
I last............
23. She is not old enough to drive a car
She is......
24. Nam plays football so well that people admires him
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